Saas service provider

Innovative SaaS solutions

During the last decades, SaaS solutions have gained extreme popularity among both start ups and already developed businesses. SaaS stands for Software as a Service, which implies the use of the licensed software online via a subscription and without installation. The main benefit of SaaS solutions, as a software business model, is that it offers the ability to deliver and execute various business processes from any place and by anyone.

We hold deep and professional expertise in the SaaS development life cycle which helps you to follow the process of developing a SaaS solution.


An Accessible Website is More Important Than Ever!

Is Your Website Accessible?

  1. Your website’s (HTML) code should be machine readable.
  2. You should be able to fully navigate your website with keyboard shortcuts such as ‘Enter’, ‘Tab’, and the arrow keys.
  3. Is the dynamic content (the content that changes on your website’s page without the page needing to reload) on your website accessible?
  4. Do your images have Alt Text?
  5. Is your text accessible (clear headings, resizable and easily readable fonts, bold and contrasting colors, etc.)
  6. Are your forms accessible?
  7. Your website should be responsive to all platforms, browsers, and devices (including mobile).

We specialize in building beautiful and accessible websites that are and designed to convert visitors into customers.

cyber penetration testing service provider

Cyber security penetration test

While vulnerability assessments are performed using software, penetration tests use manual processes to find holes and exploits within your system architecture. Pen tests are more effective when carried out by third-party security experts.

Penetration tests dig deeper than vulnerability assessments, examining exploitable configurations and interactions between devices and systems (and where they are located). Pen tests attempt to break into your systems, showing you how an attacker might compromise your system and also use it to access other systems or steal data.


E-Delphi Survey Service Provider

Delphi is a research survey technique used as a way of collecting data from respondents within their domain of expertise. Its aim is to deal with divergent opinions or controversial
issues to achieve consensus concerning real-world knowledge on a certain topic. In the field of medical education, it has been used extensively to research topics.

E Service Provider of E Delphi framework

Innovative surveyors to solutions from E-Delphi to Cyber Security.

An Overview of the Delphi Process
Delphi is a questionnaire technique that uses multiple iterations designed to develop a consensus of opinion concerning a specific topic (e.g., curriculum). The first step is to define and recruit the experts. A Delphi questionnaire is then developed and sent to the experts to gather their opinions (Round 1). The questionnaire responses are analysed providing interim results demonstrating consensus and non-consensus issues. Another questionnaire containing non-consensus issues and the Round 1 results are sent out to the experts (Round 2). This feedback encourages the experts to compare their initial opinions with the group result. The expectation is that outlier responses will be adjusted and a level of agreement achieved. Round 2 provides further data toward the interim results.
E-Delphi can reduce the time and cost of data collection. However, its main disadvantage is that experts must be technologically literate and can access the internet, otherwise the response rate may be low due to technical difficulties. We understand this and this is how we do it.

How we do it?
We have in-house built questionnaire generator custom to your framework required. This questionnaire can be custom sent to recipients required securely. Feedback received from each questionnaire is automatically analysed using in-house built Big Data Analytics tools. This puts us on cutting edge to provide our customers with time efficient accurate feedback from experts to develop required framework.

Innovative E Service Provider

Innovative surveyors to solutions from E-Delphi to Cyber Security.

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Our services

Innovative surveyors to solutions from E-Delphi to Cyber Security.